Dementia Care

If your loved one has dementia and wants to remain in their home, they require care. That’s because the condition can put their safety at risk.

Fortunately, Home Caring offers comprehensive dementia care in Westmead. Our specialist support ensures your loved one can maintain their independence for longer, remain safe, and benefit from stimulating interactions and activities to slow progression.

How We Help

Home Caring offers a suite of dementia home care services in Westmead to help your loved one get the most out of life, all delivered with compassion.

  • Life skills
  • Domestic assistance
  • Respite
  • Community participation
  • Personal care
  • 24 hour care
  • Behaviour support
  • Complex Care
  • Home Care
Not sure where to start? We’re here to help.

Telltale Signs Your Loved One Needs A Dementia Carer

Knowing if your loved one needs dementia support in Westmead isn’t always obvious. Signs and symptoms can develop slowly, making it harder to know when to ask for help.

At Home Caring, we believe it is better to be safe than sorry. Getting dementia care as soon as your loved one becomes eligible reduces the risk of injury and helps to slow the progression of the disease.

The telltale signs of dementia are as follows:

  • Problems with remembering recent events, details, or people’s names
  • Difficulty following or understanding conversations
  • Trouble communicating abstract ideas and preferences
  • A habit of repeating phrases or concepts
  • Struggling to perform familiar tasks, such as doing the washing up or cooking a meal
  • Unusual changes in mood or behaviour
  • Misplacing items or putting them in odd places, such as placing the TV remote in the microwave
  • Decreasing hygiene levels, including neglecting regular bathing or grooming
  • Poor judgement and decision-making, particularly with money
  • Being disorientated or getting lost in familiar places, including the local grocery store, park, or even home

None of these signs necessarily guarantee your loved one has dementia. However, you should go to the doctor for a diagnosis if you notice a pattern emerging. People with dementia can appear lucid at times and confused at others.

Why Dementia Care Is Essential

Home dementia care is essential for several reasons. First, it keeps your loved one safe. People with dementia may make poor decisions or do things that put them in danger. Having dementia carer support in Westmead makes it less likely they will get in harm’s way.

Second, the proper support helps patients manage their condition. Living with dementia can be confusing and distressing, leading to agitation and aggression. In-home dementia care helps to mitigate this by providing tailored, specialist care that understands patients’ situations.

It also helps the family. Caring for dementia patients is a full-time job. External care from an agency like ours helps to share the burden or free family to do other things with their time.

Dementia care also assists with medical monitoring and treatment. Dementia support services in Westmead ensure that individuals receive the correct medications. Regular monitoring can detect a worsening of symptoms and identify when new therapies become necessary.

Finally, dementia care Australia can assist with community integration. Dementia patients can sometimes self-isolate, speeding cognitive decline. Proper support helps to prevent this, enabling individuals to socialise safely.

How Dementia Care At Home From Home Caring Can Help

If you are providing dementia care for a loved one in Westmead, you will invariably face many challenges. Taking care of anyone going through cognitive decline is hard, particularly if it is someone close to you.

That’s where our dementia support Australia can help. Home Caring offers various services to meet their needs and ensure they enjoy the highest quality of life possible.

We facilitate this through all the services discussed above. Home Caring takes a holistic approach to care for dementia patients, meeting all their needs. Team members go beyond providing safety and administering medication to assisting with socialising, trips to the store, and cognitive enhancement. Trained staff provide bespoke care, depending on the stage and severity of the condition while providing support to family members.

We offer the highest quality of dementia care in Westmead and further afield. Our team consults with you about the type of care your loved one needs per their care plan. Then, we work towards a schedule designed to make the most of resources and ensure the affected individual can live their best life possible.

If you believe your loved one may require dementia care to remain independent, contact our team. We’d love to hear from you.

    Contact Our Friendly Home Care Team To Find Out More.
